Home Healthy You must know about Cholesterol and Triglycerides

You must know about Cholesterol and Triglycerides


Cholesterol and triglycerides are part of the fat in our body. At the mention of “fat” many are alarmed because they are often alone a negative buckling them the responsibility of many serious diseases that often you hear (atherosclerosis, etc..). This is undoubtedly true, but we should remember that fats are essential for a healthy body.

They already provide energy and have important functions, such as cell membrane or serve as a starting element for certain substances, such as hormones. High levels of cholesterol and triglycerides can cause significant risks to the body, such as the onset of the diseases mentioned above.

But let’s see what it is when we talk about “cholesterol” and “triglycerides“. Cholesterol is produced by the liver and is present in all body cells as an indispensable element. It plays a fundamental role in the construction of some hormones and in the production of vitamin D (necessary for the formation of bones), in addition to being an essential constituent of the cell membrane and some tissues.

In addition to the percentage normally produced by the body, can also be introduced with the diet, especially with the intake of foods rich in animal fats (butter, meat, cheese, etc.). Triglycerides, also produced by the liver, are fats by definition. An important source of energy for our body, and this is important but to a certain extent, because their excessive presence contributes to worsen the damage caused by an excess of cholesterol.

Cholesterol and triglycerides are transported in the blood but with the help of specific proteins, lipoproteins. They come in three types: HDL (High-Density Lipoproteins) Density Lipoproteins) removed excess cholesterol, is the so-called good cholesterol; LDL (Low-Density Lipoproteins) Density Lipoproteins) carried cholesterol to all the organs and, in exaggerated levels lead to the formation of plaque in the walls of the arteries, is the so-called bad cholesterol, VLDL (Very Low-Density Lipoproteins) carrying triglycerides in the blood.

As already mentioned, there is a strong correlation between cholesterol and triglycerides. The triglycerides, VLDL or better by themselves are not a big problem not directly involved in the formation of atherosclerotic plaque, but are associated with high levels of LDL and low HDL levels.

Thus, high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides are of particular concern: they constitute an important risk factor for the onset of diseases related to the arteries and heart, among them the aforementioned atherosclerosis. This particular one, if not properly treated, it can cause the onset of stroke and heart attack.

At this point, it is reasonable to ask: how can I control the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides? The first step is definitely the diet foods to avoid, or to be consumed in moderation, are: animal fats (butter, salami), fatty meats (pork), pastries, cheese and eggs.

However, some foods help to keep down the level of cholesterol. Some are: fish, whole grains, vegetable oils, legumes, and generally, all fruits and vegetables is also important to carry out regular exercise and stop smoking.

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