Home Healthy What to do in case of stings Hornets

What to do in case of stings Hornets


The bumblebee is an insect-sized quite large, similar to the color of the bees, which nests among the branches of trees. For this reason, especially if you spend much time in the countryside, you can run into a sting by this insect.

It injects a certain amount of poison, the almost harmless individually, but it can be dangerous (especially for children) if the bites are many. Let’s see how to behave if you are from a hornet points in this short and simple guide.

If unfortunately you get stung by a hornet not panic. Certainly it is an annoying and painful thing, but it is potentially a worrying thing. First you have to think of your skin extract from the sting that injects the hornet with the same poison. In this regard, using, if you have one at hand, a needle. Do not forget to sterilize it.

In this regard, kindle the flame of your kitchen, and pass him over the tip of the needle, making it cool a bit, and proceeding calmly to pull out the stinger. Without this, it disinfects the part using a swab with a bit of alcohol. In doing so, do not press too hard, but try to be gentle.

If you have a lot of burning and swelling, slide on the same cold water, then massage using an ice cube. To give further relief from the itching use some special ointment. If known, that after some time, the pain, as well as the swelling, it is attenuated, went from your doctor and exhibit them the problem.

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