Home Healthy Varicose Veins – Symptoms and Remedies

Varicose Veins – Symptoms and Remedies


Varicose veins are a problem that affects men and women equally. Are nothing more than an expansion that affects the veins, especially in the legs present? The areas most affected are the calves but also your feet. Varicose veins are veins that have lost their shape originate eg swell, so that they can safely be seen with the naked eye.

Appear winding and it is this form that makes them much hate by women, in particular, because they become a real imperfection, to hide. It is known that for women, the legs are very important and that is why I have varicose veins, a woman becomes a problem to solve.

Varicose veins or varicose veins are to highlight an incorrect blood circulation. The veins are used for the transport of blood from the periphery, and then from the legs above the heart and have valves that must just push the blood upward, trying in every way to prevent stagnation in the lower areas.

However, it may happen that these valves do not work perfectly, and it is precisely for this reason, that the blood, deprived of oxygen, remains in the legs, unable to return to the heart. All this is properly called venous insufficiency. This pooling of blood causes the dilation of the veins that contain it, with the manifestation of varicose veins.

Among the various causes that may lead to the appearance of varicose veins, First of all age. Over the years, starting to become elderly, even the blood flow changes and is no longer as perfect as when they were young.

Having a party at home, mother or father, who has already suffered from this problem, it may be a cause of varicose veins. It would become even more likely to present itself in the problem of varicose veins.

Do not forget that the ‘obesity and thus an increase of overweight but also a lifestyle wrong, can make manifest varicose veins. The fact that we spend a lot of time standing, sitting or standing too long can certainly worsen blood circulation and intervene in the functioning of the valves engaged precisely the recirculation of blood in the body. Also suffer from high blood pressure, this can become a cause of venous insufficiency.

Other causes of varicose veins are the strong hormonal changes that the body needs to adopt an example would be those that occur during the nine months of pregnancy.

The woman who is pregnant may notice the appearance of varicose veins, also because of the changes that occur in your body, such as weight gain but also the increased flow of blood enters the bloodstream to support small that grows itself.

Among the most common symptoms that distinguish perfectly, and the presences of varicose veins are the typical bulge very visible but also the sense of heaviness and pain, which is felt in the legs, ankles and feet. Many people who suffer from varicose veins also have cramps and severe itching in the legs. All this can be accompanied by severe headaches.

Cures or remedies for this kind of problem, Also are chosen based on the severity of the situation. Often we resort to surgical methods. When varicose veins become a real health problem. For example, surgery is Necessary When varicose veins forming clots.

That can go up and impair the normal functioning of the heart and lung. Among the surgical, methods remember sclerotherapy, in Which a liquid is injected into the veins.

Which tend to deflate them, or one of the latest generations is the method of the laser through the vein. Which is bombarded with light rays, Which Imply a strong weakening,  accompanied by the disappearance of the swelling.

But in addition to medical methods, we can resort to the use of natural remedies and very simple. The first would be to improve in toto our lifestyle and our diet, both central elements for a good blood circulation. So let’s undertake to carry out any physical activity, which helps the body, such as a brisk walk or swimming and dancing. These will help us to improve the flow of blood around your body.

Do not forget also to eat healthy foods and contain a lot of vitamin B, which is useful for keeping in shape our blood vessels. We prefer fruits and vegetables to fried and fatty foods.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, very important for cellular rejuvenation and to fight free radicals and toxins in our bodies and that lead to premature aging. We drink cranberry juice and red currant, useful for keeping young and fit our legs.

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