Home Healthy Tips to Help you Sleep

Tips to Help you Sleep


Good sleep is essential to rest your body and mind, preparing for a new day’s work. During the night our body regenerates itself, and dreams help us to rework the experiences of the day and play some major memory processes. Here are some tips to help you sleep and relax.

A good sleep is vital to our health, so we have to try to rest a number of hours per day sufficient and not excessive, it must be calibrated individually. Each of us needs a different period of sleep. Some may even feel good sleeping only 5 hours, others require 9-10 hours.

We will have to observe in order to understand, which are the best for us and then try to regularize the times when we go to bed and when we wake up, in order to accustom the body to these rhythms. We also avoid taking too many stimulants during the day, such as tea and coffee, but also alcohol and difficult to digest foods such as too much fat and sugar, can negatively affect sleep.

Before going to sleep to avoid strenuous physical activity, but also to focus on thoughts that might be agitating or cause anxiety, especially if you suffer from insomnia.

Before going to sleep you need to free your mind from stress and worries that not only keep us from falling asleep, but decrease the quality of sleep. To do this, we can practice relaxation exercises, such as yoga or biofeedback, or repeating mantras.

Some traditional practices, such as counting sheep, work because they play a hypnotic on the mind and help you to fall asleep gradually, we can achieve the same result by listening to soothing music.

We can take natural substances, on the advice of a physician, to improve the quality of sleep, such as valerian or melatonin to regulate sleep cycles. Finally, we act on your breathing, creating a state of relaxation with slow, deep breaths performed with the diaphragm.

The environmental conditions are key determinants of the quality of sleep, then try to create the right atmosphere for a good quality of rest carefully prepare the bed and air the room in order to have enough oxygen in the room. We limit the noise by closing doors and windows or using the ear plugs.

This will also prevent to wake up repeatedly during the night due to loud sounds Let’s pay attention to the mattress must be clean and in good condition, not too soft nor too drive, so do rest the spine and joints.

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