Home Healthy Tips for a Perfect Hygiene

Tips for a Perfect Hygiene


The guide below is designed to offer a few simple tips to keep as much as possible a perfect hygiene, though, with all the good will, you could never get in the true sense of the word. A few tips to follow daily, and scrupulously we can certainly help you to avoid taking some annoying allergy or illness related to poor hygiene.

The first thing to do to protect ourselves from germs and bacteria is the daily hygiene. A healthy daily shower is what we want. Just starting from hygiene daily, remember that bathrobes and towels should be changed at least once a week and always washed at high temperatures (not less than 50 degrees) possibly with detergent’s disinfectants.

The rule of thorough cleaning is a must for the bathroom in his integrity: shower tray and shower should always be kept perfectly clean, as well as the health. In particular, the toilet will have to be disinfected with the appropriate products even twice a day, according to the number of people who endeavor.

Home will always reign clean scent thanks to the daily cleaning (even in places where it is more difficult to reach such as the above beliefs, cabinets and chandeliers. Periodically (at least once every two to three months) it is advisable to clean steam.

The keyboard of the PC, the remote control, the switches to turn on and turn off the light and the handles to open the drawers should be cleaned periodically with a mild disinfectant. Sometimes we do not even notice it, but on them is thousands of bacteria. Bed sheets, should be changed at least once a week and even table cloths should be changed frequently.

At home, it would be preferable to walk with the slippers and not with the shoes, which are contaminated by dirt and bacteria of all species. When you leave the house, it is a good habit to keep with you, always at hand, creams or disinfectant wipes.

In fact, you will come in contact with anything (steering wheel of the car, metro or bus handles, shopping carts, handles of doors and gates of the shops and so on, are infested with bacteria addition, when you return home, it is preferable leave to air sweaters, coats and clothes impregnated with smog before storing them in the closet.

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