Home Healthy Remedies for Herpes

Remedies for Herpes


It will happen a little to everyone, men or women, of having to deal, at least once in their lifetime, with the many annoying herpes. Herpes is a virus at the end of the account, properly called by the name of Herpes Simplex. This virus causes infection within the body that decides to strike.

The most classical and most widely known, is that of cold sore, sores, which is shown on the lips. This area is affected more as it is much more sensitive and delicate. Note also the herpes that occurs on or in the nose, until you get to the forms of herpes a bit more complex, which can affect the eyes but also our private parts.

Once you are hit by this virus, it is very difficult to get rid of it because it remains hidden in our body. From this, we can understand that the remedies that can be taken in respect of herpes, they will more than anything else in order to limit the discomfort associated with this infection and reduce healing time.

No gender l herpes is much feared and hated, not only for the symptoms related to it, such as itching and burning, but also for a strictly aesthetic, in that it causes the appearance of bubbles, truly odious to see. It easy to find the time when the herpes will dawn on our lips or nose, because the symptoms are almost always the same.

It generally manifests a sort of itching in the area were soon windstorm, followed by the formation of small vesicles, with all inside a liquid, which becomes the essential element of contagion. The area infected by the virus appears swollen. Over time, the bubbles are broken, leaving the affected area that slowly forms on the crust itself.

This virus mainly affects people who have the immune system a bit low, but not only. It can also occur in people who are going through a time of great stress and trauma as a result of which hit the skin, such as a long exposure to the sun during the summer.

So the first remedy that could be adopted to solve the problem of herpes is to improve our diet, making healthy and balanced. To do this, we need to introduce the foods that allow us to strengthen our immune system, such as vitamins, especially E, C and A.

Do not forget to take plenty of fruits and vegetables, rich in antioxidants, which are useful for the rejuvenation of skin and the elimination of free radicals, which cause cellular aging. We can also eat cereals, rich in lysine, an important amino acid, which is useful for the formation of tissues in cases of wounds or lacerations.

On the contrary, It must be avoided coffee, fatty foods, carbonated drinks and alcoholic. Various studies showed that to cause the reappearance of herpes is an amino acid, ie the arginine. Precisely, for this reason we must avoid excessive consumption of foods that contain it, such as peanuts, tree nuts, chocolate and even almonds.

Trade there are many products in the form of creams or gels, that can be applied on the affected area of herpes. These creams are, in general, based Aciclovir, and serve to give a hand to reduce the healing time of addition to these are also sold the patches invisible, to use all beginnings of the appearance of the virus until the total disappearance thanks to these small patches will be possible to reduce the infection and also the healing time.

For those who would resort to use of totally natural remedies to reduce the symptoms and the duration, can use plants like the aloe vera, lemon balm and burdock, from which they can prepare simple infusions. The first contains inside of micronutrients and through their antiseptic, properties can reduce the risk of contagion.

Apart from these, the aloe vera contains sugar, very important to strengthen the immune system and thus also be able to accelerate the healing process. Even the lemon grass and burdock, seems unable to control the herpes, through their antiviral action and capacity for intervene in the treatment of disorders caused by the skin.

Just buy in herbal medicine, the dried leaves and prepare an infusion to ask, with the help of cotton balls cotton wool or a cotton swab, on herpes, so ease the pain and also itching.

In case we do not possess the natural plants, we can use the seeds of grapefruit, very useful for their antiseptic action or even lemon juice, to be put on herpes, with the aid of a cotton napkin. Thanks to the shrinking action and to acidity of this citrus fruit, we can accelerate the healing of wounds.

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