Home Healthy How to treat inflamed gums

How to treat inflamed gums


Did you ever have inflamed gums? It can happen for a disease, for example a strong influence, due to the weakening of the general your body. Or if you happened to eat something very dry and hard, for example: toasted bread too. The feeling is really annoying, but you can take action to relieve the swelling and redness with natural systems and products that are in the house. I’ll explain how.

Surely, in case of inflammation of the gums, your doctor or your dentist will advise mouthwashes or other suitable products. However, if you do not have time to go to them for a consultation but you still want to relieve the discomfort, I’ll let an old grandmother’s advice, with natural products that allows you to easily solve your problem.

Take then a bit of baking soda and use it to brush your teeth (and act on the gums). Being a powder might seem a little uncomfortable, but it is not. Put some baking soda on a saucer, then take the toothbrush and inumidiscilo with a bit of water.

Then close the tap (we avoid wastage) and dip your toothbrush in the baking soda. The powder will remain so attached to the bristles. Rub your teeth like when you wash them, gently not to further irritate the gums.

Know that baking soda also cleans, so it is not necessary to wash your teeth then with the traditional toothpaste. The bicarbonate gives really excellent effects decongestants.

The taste may not seem pleasant, but know that it is for your own good; bear it necessary, add a few drops of lemon, to change the taste: know that it might burn a bit , but then disinfects and further helps to heal. If you need an incentive, know that baking soda also has whitening effects on the teeth. Try it for yourself.

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