Home Healthy How to treat an ankle sprain

How to treat an ankle sprain


The sprained ankle should be treated with care to restore normal movement of the foot in a short time. The emergency is essential to determine the severity and medicate the painful part. Here are some tips to act fairly and speed healing.

Ankle sprains are the most common lower limb and require special care for rehabilitation and complete healing of this part. The trauma is due to an incorrect rotation of the foot, caused by a rapid movement or a jump, with consequent damage to the joint.

The first intervention is the key, so you should go to the emergency room, especially if the ankle is sore and movement is impossible. You are established different degrees of severity to determine the type of intervention: the level is zero in the absence of swelling and pain that disappears after a few minutes.

In the first instance, the ankle swells after a few hours and the movement is possible, although difficult. The second level involves a steady increase in pain and swelling and the inability to move, are stained red as a result of rupture of ligaments.

The third degree is characterized by the inability to move. The part is sore and locked, and are possible internal bleeding and broken bone.

Care must be taken immediately to the trauma is crucial, especially to properly restore the functioning of the limb. The ankle must be protected with the elastic bandages should be placed ice letting property, then the leg is held high.

The bandage is applied to compress the while allowing the blood circulation: If you feel a tingling in the foot means that the bandage is too tight. Depending on the severity of the distortion will be carried out the necessary examinations, such as x-rays and ultrasounds.

In the early days, the ankle will be immobilized and kept raised, the movements should be limited not to strain too much articulation. We will continue to apply bandages to compress the part and put the ice. I will not go into cubes placed directly on the skin but in a special bag, removing it every 15-20 minutes to avoid excessive cooling of the ankle. On instructions from the doctor may also need to take anti-inflammatory drugs to facilitate healing.

After the initial healing, period will be essential to the functionality of the joint rehabilitation to recover fully, especially for the most serious distortions which require long periods of immobility therapy then consists in draining massages and exercises recommended by the physiotherapist, to restore the correct posture and the movement of the ankle.

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