Home Fitness How to Train Legs in the Gym

How to Train Legs in the Gym


In the gym, many practitioners deliberately neglect leg training as they consider it difficult, unnecessary or even dangerous. For all those who aim at a muscular physique and proportionate here’s how to best train your legs.

To improve performance, volume, tone and quality of their thighs is necessary to provide the right stimulus to the muscles. To do this, there are two simple exercises, unanimously considered the fundamentals of training with weights, which should not be missing in any work out: squats and deadlifts.

Although some consider them, dangerous reality is that anyone can execute them in perfect safety, even newbies. As long as you train properly and with the right equipment.

Not all gyms allow you to properly train your legs, then choose where to work out well. If you do the deadlift just a barbell and weights for the squat rack, you need a special, a cage-like structure that protects us in case of a fall in the the year (see photo).

The machines that now found in all gyms can help you complete the workout, but nothing replaces squats and deadlifts. These are the exercises that train the greatest number of muscles and thus ensure the most rapid.

In the squat, you start with the racks at a height slightly lower than the shoulders. Stand under it, supporting the rocker arm on the shoulder blades and taking a wide grip. The heels should be slightly wider than the shoulders, and your toes should be slightly rotated externally.

Starting from standing start to slowly bend your legs trying to maintain muscle tension. Inhale on the way down and then hold your breath for the ascent, the eject when you’ll be back in an upright position. When your thighs are parallel on the ground started the ascent phase.

Squeeze the muscles of the legs and keep your back straight, being careful not to swing the knees. Climb slowly pushing with the whole foot, without getting up on the heels or toes.

In the deadlift the barbell must be positioned at the correct height, which is roughly equivalent to that given by a disk of 20 kg. If you do not have available or are not yet ready to use them place a support under the discs to get the rod to the right height.

Stand in front of the barbell with your legs shoulder-width apart, with an AC outlet, ie with one hand on the palm facing forward and the other with the palm facing you. Your hands should be slightly wider than the legs. The back must not be arched during the lift and the look should always face forward.

The boost phase is expected to bring the rocker to the height of the basin. It started to push with your legs, keeping your back tight.

Keep the barbell attached to the legs and bring your shoulders over the sub vertical. Completed execution in the upright position, making working back only in the final part of the lift.

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