Home Healthy How to take proper posture for good sleep

How to take proper posture for good sleep


It looks like a detail, but spending at least 6-8 hours in bed every night, it is very important to the posture taken during sleep. Here’s how to avoid falling asleep at the positions worst choosing instead a posture suitable for a rest really rigerante.

First, do not ever sleep less than six hours a night, or anything small hours for a healthy risevglio. The cycles of wakefulness / sleep are also regulated with a minimum of six hours of sleep, but if you rest less than this threshold can have headaches, lapses in concentration and more during the day much more easily.

Choose a suitable mattress. The best is still to latex because it represents the most conformable to our body exists on the market. If you opt for a spring mattress, at least remember not to choose too soft or very low, as it would not give you the right support to keep the spine in the correct position.

Many say that the posture is the mirror of health Nothing could be more true when you consider that the muscles and bones adapt to the postures assumed maggioramente, with all the consequences. So happy today that seek proper posture before falling asleep is the minimum to ensure a good rest.

According to the nursing protocols should change the posture of a hospitalized patient every two hours. This means that even in sleep is not appropriate to maintain a position for all six to eight hours in a row but you have to be able to vary your posture to oxygenate and stimulate different parts of the body evenly.

If you suffer from neck or you wake up with a stiff neck often perhaps may depend on the pillow, too high or too low for your back. To avoid further problems try changing it by replacing it with foam pillows that support the neck but relax the neck and head, conforming closer to that area.

Take care not to overlap the body in the arms or legs in the posture you assume when you’re falling asleep and make sure that each limb is free to move to the position changes: not being vigilant not be able to check that the new posture is correct but if you are free from obstacles can prevent the sheet annodarti interfering with the circulation.

Do not underestimate the beneficial effect of sleep and proper posture during this. If you have back problems there is a position that relieves a lot of pain and that is to the side (usually the right). A cushion well calibrated with respect to the shoulder promotes relaxation of the spine.

If you prefer sleep belly up make sure the pillow is not too high, but if you prefer the side (left or right that is) remember to use a high pillow and supported. In fact, will have to compensate the space between the head and shoulder to prevent s’irrigidiscano the neck muscles on that side.

The worst of the positions is that belly down: in addition to straining your breathing with your weight because compress the lungs, in this posture, with any pillow or even worse, without any support under the head, go to straining the neck area resulting in more local pain or headache in the morning.

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