Home Healthy How to stimulate the circulation of the legs

How to stimulate the circulation of the legs


When is a job too sedentary like sitting at a desk for many hours a day, you are likely to have a slowing of the circulation resulting in swelling and pain in the ankles. Obviously this is not only a cosmetic problem can become a physical problem that needs to be fought with a good activity physical. With this guide I will explain ‘some exercise to improve circulation in the legs.

As we said in the introduction when you spend a lot of time sitting incurs circulatory problems. So let’s get to work immediately to counter this problem. Stand up with your hands resting on the back of a chair. Feet together and heels flat on the floor. Solleviamoci on toes and falling back to the starting position.

This exercise is repeated for 3 sets of 20 times. Breathing is not fundamental’ cause you do not work on the muscles but on the circulation. Now let’s sit down on the chair and raise your legs up to form a right angle with your torso. Start doing circular movements of the ankle, as if to loosen your muscles. Make it 20 times clockwise and 20 counterclockwise.

And now the last financial year. Let’s sitting on the chair and fall back to pick up the bust ankles in hand. Grab your toe and tiriamola towards us. This exercise serves to stretch the muscles and promote circulation. We repeat this exercise 10 times for each foot.

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