Home Healthy How to Sleep Well

How to Sleep Well


Rest well and wake up regenerated, is a necessity for anyone who has a busy day at work or school. The rest is not intended as a relaxation only physical but also mental. Here are some tips for waking up to a higher gear and be able to properly carry out their duties during the “hours of light.”

First, we must clarify that it is not enough “sleep time”, to be able to rest properly. Surely, it is important to get as close as possible to the recommended eight hours of sleep for children and at least 7/6 hours for adults. In reality, the amount of sleep needed varies from person to person and also depends upon the habits of each.

The importance of performing a healthy life and free from defects is central, which is why the first thing you should avoid taking stimulants (during the day) that could affect sleep.

This included alcohol, which dehydrating and clogging the blood, it forces your body to make a great effort during the night; caffeine, which remains within the blood about 7 hours and keeps up the attention, and the nicotine, which is also responsible for setting in motion a substantial amount of effort to be able to dispose of it.

It is also desirable to avoid ingesting too many simple sugars, which make a high-calorie and energy, which would keep us lively and active during the night.

Even foods that may cause gas or heartburn and stomach acid, are absolutely banned for lovers of rest. Who has not ever happened to spend sleepless nights due to a ratatouille or a dinner out a bit too heavy?

Another tip is to not be surrounded by electronic equipment in the bedroom now, plasma TV and smartphones of all kinds have become part of our daily lives, and also appeared in the bedrooms of each of us.

Unfortunately, few people know that the constant exposure to electronic devices, tired and hinders the brain’s natural production of melatonin for sleep is much healthier to read a good book and turn the tablet off.

Last tip is to create the rigid timetables to go to sleep, and try to respect them during the week. This causes the body to recognize your own pace and remains awake in just hours. You will find that the first yawns start coming every night around the same time!

Finally, remember that when you cannot sleep at night and cannot find the location, in truth it is your mind that you are not preparing to sleep. Before going to sleep, relax. A warm bath or the embrace of a loved one, may be of help. Have a good rest!

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