Home Healthy How To Reverse A Finger Bagged

How To Reverse A Finger Bagged


If you play volleyball or basketball, and it is very likely that you will insacchino usual fingers. The problem is very frequent. It is not necessary to go all the time in the emergency room. Once you see how to move you will not need doctors, but only a couple of seconds to wrap your finger.

Just follow the simple steps and make a self-medicate at home. The first thing to do when you has bagged the finger is to put ice. The finger does not turn purple, but will remain white and not be able to move it. The easiest thing is to take a special ointment for trauma and bruises.

Wrap your finger with gauze, and release your finger to rest for at least a week. On average it takes seven days to heal this bruise. The times then change depending on the severity of the shaping. Change the dressing once a day, always putting the ointment. You can also splint the finger, as do the emergency room.

It is not a serious thing, do not panic If this is the first time that happens to you you’ll surely get a little scary, but you’ll see that will heal in a few days. Every time I get up the gauze checks whether the finger starts to move and bend’ll get back to doing the things you always do without any problem and without any pain.

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