Home Healthy How to resolve digestive problems

How to resolve digestive problems


Many people, nowadays, due to the hectic lifestyle and bad habits, many suffer from psychosomatic problems. The first apparatus that somatization stress is the digestive system. Often, problems with digestion limiting a person creating them great inconvenience. With this guide, we describe remedies to address the problem of poor digestion.

The bad digestion depends, above all, bad eating habits. There are foods that irritate the stomach lining, and spices such as alcohol, but also drugs such as aspirin. In fact, stomach irritation consists in mucosal damage, which protects this organ, deputed to produce acids during the process of digestion.

If the mucosa is absent, the stomach is autodigest, causing further damage to his own walls and decreasing its same functionality. So, the first step to follow is to avoid these drinks, foods and substances: alcohol, spices, caffeine and irritants, cheeses, meats and fried foods, as well as excesses of carbohydrates, which ferment giving a sense of swelling.

Another precaution to take, is to eat very slowly, the first enemy of digestion is the air ingested during a meal very quickly. It causes bloating, slow digestion, constipation. Furthermore, the cooking of foods must be healthy, or vapor, and one must screw-on that is excessively oily.

In the morning, you should drink a glass of water to stimulate the purification of the body and its proper functioning, and in the evening is recommended to consume a very light meal and small quantities to sleep better, providing a balance of all the body.

With regard to natural substances that can be of help to digestion, are mentioned fennel, calendula, chamomile, licorice, orange, charcoal. The pineapple, immediately after meals, is the only fruit that can be eaten without causing swelling but, rather, is a digestive aid. As for the other fruits, it is recommended to eat before or between meals.

Finally, as has been said, the digestive system is subject to psychophysical stress So, if the cause of digestive problems lies not so much into eating habits, but in the stress accumulated during the day, the advice is to try to relax, perhaps with infusions as well as with special activities such as yoga, or a walk outdoor, in a park or in the mountains.

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