Home Healthy How to remove Warts

How to remove Warts


Warts are growths that appear on the skin surface and are caused by a viral infection. You are very common in childhood and adolescence and can have very different colors and shapes. Warts are not just a gripe from the aesthetic point of view, since it is formed on the hands, feet and private parts, but they can try some serious trouble. That’s why you need to remove warts quickly.

The best way to remove warts is to resort to the care of the dermatologist. With a very short laser surgery often done the surgery can solve the problem. However, there are natural methods that allow you to get rid of warts in a few weeks. One of these methods requires the use of natural essential oil of lemon, cream made of calendula and patches.

After cleaning the affected area apply 3-4 drops of essential oil and cover with a plaster. The next morning, remove the patch, past the calendula cream and cover with another patch. Carry out the treatment for a few weeks and you will see the warts disappear.

Another method involves the use of garlic and olive oil. The garlic should be shredded, pulped, and it must be added a few drops of olive oil. The compound must be applied to the wart and covered with a plaster. Once the mixture is dried then need to repeat the operation.

This method causes a bit of aches and pains but effective nonetheless. A rather bizarre and unusual method involves the removal of the wart using duct tape. An American study has shown that this method, as strange as it may seem, it actually works. The application of an adhesive tape or a tape bandage will allow you to eliminate the problem in 2-3 weeks.

In recent years, a new treatment has become increasingly foot is of cryogenics that provides for the elimination of the wart by means of a freezing treatment. After a couple of treatments, the warts come off like dead skin from the tissue.

To avoid having to deal with the problem of warts is recommended that you follow the simple rules of hygiene prevention avoid walking barefoot in places frequented by other people and avoid wearing shoes that do not ensure the proper transpiration of the foot and which are able to absorb the natural sweating of the foot.

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