Home Healthy How to remove the plug of earwax from the ears

How to remove the plug of earwax from the ears


Sooner or later it happens to everyone, suddenly noticing not feel good. Before resorting think that you have become dull, try to follow my lead in the house and solve the problem that could be caused by a plug of earwax in the ear formed.

Earwax is normally produced by the ears but if it is produced in excess forms a cap that prevents you feel good and if left inside for a long time, it becomes very hard, smelly and can cause severe pain of hearing.

As soon as you Realize you do not feel as good as before or you feel a pain in the ear, this happens sometimes after a shower Because The wax softens and gets in the way, go right from the doctor to check ear. Your doctor will check the ear with otoscope and you will then see if your problem is two to cerumen impaction.

Otoscope, if you want, Also you can buy it in stores newsstands health, I know you’ll have, if the instrument Allows you to peer into the ear. If you have this problem you must use an otoscope your family, if the problem is a family member or friend you can use it.

Your doctor will advise you if there is a plug of earwax, to go to the specialist, but if you want to, first try to remove the cap in the house, it’s easy. Buy in pharmacy drops “Cerulisina” or similar products that you advise your doctor or your pharmacist.

Personally, I always use cerusilina that door, always, to the removal of cerumen impaction. Put in the affected ear drops “Cerulisina” as shown in the leaflet, or in the package insert, and follow both the indicated doses and both warnings. Leave it drops into the ear for a few minutes and stop with a battutolo of cotton because the liquid does not spill.

Prepare, meanwhile, a syringe big enough, without needle Open the water tap and fill the syringe with warm water but that should not be too hot. Rests his head with the ear over the sink, gently press the plunger of the syringe and injects water into the ear.

Repeat this as many times as you need until you see the plug of earwax out whole or in pieces by ear continues to pour water into the syringe, gently wash it in the ear for ear wax and empty it completely. If the first time, the drops do not should the desired effect, repeat the process by putting the drops and again gently washing with water poured through a syringe.

You must pay close attention to some devices, the drops should not be left inside the ear for too long, but only a few minutes, and the water should not be hot, but lukewarm, to avoid possible perforation of the eardrum. In addition, you do this only if you’re sure that the ear is a plug of earwax.

After removing the plug of earwax and dried well, pour into the ear if it is a bit inflammatory, analgesic drops of type “mediflox” or similar. If you follow the guide well and perform the operation as I have indicated, you will avoid boredom independently travel to an audiologist who, among other things, removes the cap without soften earwax, and causes pain.

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