Home Healthy How to Protect the Elderly from the Heat

How to Protect the Elderly from the Heat


Defend himself from the summer heat is very important, especially for the elderly who may suffer greater inconvenience to climatic fluctuations and high temperatures. Here’s what to do to protect their health during the summer season.

Sheltering from the heat during the summer is important for everyone, but especially for the elderly, particularly for those who are suffering from particular diseases or age-related.

Special care must be given to people who are over 75 years old and suffer from heart problems, diabetes, kidney failure or respiratory failure, or forms of dementia such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. Certain medications can aggravate the sensitivity to heat, so it is good to consult a physician for guidance on this.

During the warm period, the elderly should avoid going out and doing physical activity during the hottest hours, ie between mid-morning and early afternoon hours. For those who suffer from diabetes or blood pressure problems, changes in therapy may be required, because the temperature influence blood pressure and blood sugar levels in the blood.

The water supply must be constantly replenished with water (at least 2 liters a day), drinking often and introducing fruits and vegetables in the diet, which also bring vitamins and minerals, making sure of course to the level of sugars. The foods have to be a little salty and light, easy to digest, avoiding sugary drinks, alcoholic and caffeinated.

The elderly should not be left alone during the summer and must be cared for during the holidays, choosing a holiday destination where the risks are limited to the health and where you can avail of appropriate services. The therapies and medicines should be taken consistently even in this period, in consultation with your doctor to any changes.

The room in which the elderly stays during the hot hours must have a constant temperature of about 24-26 degrees, so it is appropriate to lower the shutters to prevent entry heat and leave the window ajar, in order to facilitate the recirculation air may be possible to use an air conditioner with the windows closed, to lower the temperature during the hottest hours.

Home must be present supplies of water necessary for hydration will need to wear light clothing and to facilitate the perspiration from the skin, and possibly use wet towels and refreshing to cool the skin. The pressure must be kept under control, especially in subjects with In the event of illness of hypertension is essential to promptly contact a doctor on call.

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