Home Healthy How to prevent the swelling of the belly

How to prevent the swelling of the belly


The swelling of the belly is a problem inextricably linked to what we eat, because our power is the root cause of bloating. Several people, both men and women, have this problem, but everyone pretends not to see him until their image becomes unbearable in front of the mirror. To overcome this problem, we need to change the food habits that we have.

We must not ever eat more than they should, and should greatly reduce the amount of bread, pasta and substances containing the yeast we eat. We should instead eat foods that contain fiber and drink plenty of water can make us expel toxins that create swelling.

Stop even the fried foods and too seasoned, they are all foods high in fat and generate swelling. You must replace the seasonings with spices, much lighter and more genuine. The vegetables should be eaten cooked, because raw ferment in the intestines creating air and swelling.

The fennels are very useful for our purpose, because deflate the belly and help to burn fat, eat a lot of it is useful to have a flat stomach. Even carbonated drinks and alcohol should be limited if you have this problem. It is indeed advisable to drink only water and fruit juices that are devoid of gas and have low calorie content.

Avoid the states of stress. Stress is often the cause of stomach bloating. The body, when stressed, generates hormones that cause hunger. When you are stressed it tends to eat often and in great abundance of sweet things. The body then produces more fat in the blood that produced abdominal bloating.

Necessary, to counter these effects, take it easy and the rest amounts due. Sleeping generates the growth hormone that burns fat. It is useful to help with the herbal teas that help relax. Valerian and chamomile do for us, because it prevents hunger pangs and makes us sleep soundly, during which we will burn excess fat.

Finally, it is important to physical activity that you should make at least one hour of exercise 3 times a week. Jogging and exercise bikes allowed you to burn a lot of calories and help circulation to dispose of the excess fat in the blood Some U.S. studies have shown that 15 minutes a day is the enough exercise bike to lose weight and eliminate bloating when combined with a balanced diet based of fibers.

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