Home Healthy How to prevent heart disease

How to prevent heart disease


The bad news is that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for women, the good news is that it takes very little to remain healthy. Cardiologists and experts from around the world have explained that, walking every day and avoiding poor diets and monotonous, you can reduce or eliminate the risk. With the right foods and the help of medicinal plants and Bach Flowers, keep away heart attack and stroke.

Pressure and cholesterol levels, along with overweight, sedentary lifestyle, high-calorie or high-fat feeding and smoking are the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease. If the blood contains too much cholesterol, the latter tends to deposit on the walls of the arteries forming plaques or clots that obstruct the blood flow.

If it will be interrupted within an artery, heart attack and stroke may occur. Clinical studies have shown that in order to lower the bad cholesterol (LDL), it is advisable to introduce in your diet foods containing niacin, or vitamin B3, such as cereals, wholemeal bread, nuts, legumes and cheeses. Even the garlic lowers bad cholesterol by 11%.

To prevent heart disease is imperative, then, first of all, that you pay attention to what you put on the table. This does not mean you have to stop eating the poor and monotonous diets are the most dangerous for the heart. Better those which require a bit of everything, but in small quantities.

Dutch scholars have also prepared a meal “protect the heart”: red wine (1 glass), fruits and vegetables (400 grams), two to four servings of fish (114 grams) per week, one clove of garlic, almonds (68 grams) and dark chocolate (100 grams) A bit repetitive, but effective: it reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by 76%

Avoid fatty foods and especially reduce stress! The anger and a life too stressful put a strain on our heart, so try to be calm as much as possible! It ‘also important if you suffer from high blood pressure, keep your blood pressure under control, and especially do not smoke. Your physician then will advise you on the appropriate drug treatments to reduce high blood pressure.

To get more help in the prevention of heart disease, you can rely on natural therapies and herbal medicine: soy, hawthorn and other food supplements reduce pressure and cholesterol. The Flowers of Bach (homeopathically diluted essences of 38 flowers) will help eventually to modulate anxiety and stress, increase blood pressure and alter the frequency of the beat.

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