Home Healthy How to perform a proper dental hygiene.

How to perform a proper dental hygiene.


Smiling and showing a set of teeth white and healthy is an easy goal to achieve as long as you follow a careful oral hygiene. It takes a little time, a few tools and the right moves to make wellness and beauty throughout the body. The health of the dental apparatus affect the entire body, from the internal organs to the appendicular skeleton, particularly the spine.

To avoid the major pitfalls that affect our teeth, tooth decay and gum disease (periodontal disease) are in our rescue simple daily gestures that, although known by all, must become more spontaneous and well executed. While it is true that everyone knows that after eating you have to brush your teeth, remember that not all are the availability of care.

The mouth is a reservoir of germs, which are excellent nutrition, especially in the sugars present on the food. For this reason, it is necessary to brush the surfaces of the teeth after every meal to remove food residue.

A toothbrush appropriate for the size at the mouth (for small children, of medium hardness for adults), along with the toothpaste, flossing and mouthwash are good weapons to ensure proper hygiene. The toothbrush, personal, must be changed periodically (every three months on average) when its bristles are worn and no longer straight.

It should be rinsed well after each use and should be kept covered to prevent bacterial contamination. In addition to the toothbrush of normal size, it may be appropriate to use a tuft to reach the most distant surface or areas where there are plants and capsules.

Each wash begins with gentle brushing and in the horizontal front and rear surfaces of the molars and premolars. The move is designed to remove plaque and then to push it away with a wave vertical-external that goes from the root to the crown. Incisors the brush will move immediately vertically to remove plaque and tartar.

After you pass the flat surfaces to clean the upper surfaces, which are characterized by the presence of grooves movements should be done with peace of mind and not in a hurry, putting care in The cleansing with the addition of toothpaste, and the ablution with water completes the first phase.

If you are outside the home is a good idea to put in your purse or car journey from the valuable toothbrushes, because even the gum, which is often used as a replacement, has the same effect as regular brushing. Better to operate two or three minutes of excellent cleaning, get used to it, and the sense of cleanliness and freshness will pay off and become indispensable (plus it is very acceptable to those close to us).

At least once a day, preferably in the evening, you should use dental floss. If you broke off a piece from special case and wraps around thumb and forefinger, and then passes between a tooth to another, moving the wire back and forth. Wiping an interdental space at a time, removing the plaque from the thin side faces and eliminated the tiny food debris hidden.

They brush and wire the proper tools to remove the remains of food and non-damaging toothpick that too often stand out on the tables. If your gums start to bleed passage (mild) of the wire, after a bit of days back to normal.

Twice a week, the whole operation will be completed without the use of mouthwash and rinse one or two minutes to dissolve all traces of plaque and disinfect the oral mucosa, sometimes targeted by microorganisms responsible for the FTAA.

Daily hygiene, every six months or once a year, you have to add a control to the dentist. Caries devious creeps inside the tooth and is often not visible except to the trained eye of the dentist. Although stress-related disorders, such as bruxism or defects in chewing can be cured by following targeted advice and do not necessarily expensive.

Of course, as for all the other functions of our body, is valid also for the dental follow a balanced diet, in this case rich in calcium and vitamins, eat regular meals and do not chew continuously fat or sugary snacks that frustrate the effect cleaning.

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