Home Fitness How to Lower Cholesterol?

How to Lower Cholesterol?

Lower Cholesterol

The problem of high bad cholesterol is a common problem have enough. I like all the others suffer. Even if you follow a diet with a proper diet and doing motion, sometimes it goes down anyway. There are natural remedies that help to decrease, at least for a while.

Some eating habits can help in reducing bad cholesterol. For example: you can eat three, four nuts a day. They contain omega 3 and omega 5 and are a blessing. Do not exceed this dose, because they are very caloric. Similarly, also the peanuts are very useful for lowering cholesterol.

Another useful tip is to not use butter, and season all over with oil, and olive oil and seed oils, it makes no difference. Eat a lot of fish, but be careful with the choice: it must be a lean fish. And best to avoid the salmon. They are absolutely prohibited seafood, especially if you are not used to.

You can not eat cheese, especially if they are seasoned. Of fresh ones? Eat in limited quantities, occasionally: you can afford them once a week. Be careful to meat you eat: avoid pork, and eat a lot of chicken, turkey, rabbit. Of course you can not eat sweets. If you just can not resist it is better to prepare them at home, using ingredients that contain little saturated fat.

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