Home Healthy How to Keep your Teeth Healthy

How to Keep your Teeth Healthy


The teeth are an important part of our body, not only in terms of aesthetics, but because they are essential for proper chewing and for the maintenance of general health. Learn from an early age to have a good oral hygiene, a power supply and a lifestyle that allows us to have nice teeth for a lifetime is a fundamental habit.

The dentist can intervene in case of irreparable problems now, but it is definitely useful preventive action and for maintaining good health of our teeth and our gums we can implement daily. Let’s see what precautions have.

Food residues that remain in the interstices often dental implants are the leading cause of bacterial aggression that the teeth may be: it is a good idea to be able to brush your teeth every time you take food of any kind they are.

Use a toothbrush and toothpaste has not just intended to prevent halitosis, but specifically to clean up the outer part of the tooth avoiding the accumulation of tartar, and also to eliminate the residues between a tooth and the other requires the use of dental floss as it fails to reach the spaces unreachable by only toothbrush. Also use a good mouthwash, perhaps with natural extracts, it also helps the health of the gums, too often ignored.

If you cannot do oral care outside the home are now on the market many brands of chewing gum containing fluoride and microgranular able to clean the tooth.

In addition to food waste each other’s number-one enemy of the teeth is definitely smoking, responsible not only for many diseases but also strong pollutant oral tract, capable of seriously stain the tooth enamel.

Nature provides us with natural remedies also extremely useful: gargle with the decoction of chamomile helps inflamed gums, pure aloe juice diluted with the equal amount of water is an excellent mouthwash and baking soda can help whiten your teeth naturally.

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