Home Healthy How to Keep Mosquitoes Away

How to Keep Mosquitoes Away


In this guide, we speak of something quite common: How to protect against mosquitoes will be happened during the summer of having to deal with this problem, especially if you live in wetlands and did not know how to defend yourself, well, now let’s see some remedies that may be useful in these situations.

A tip: if you want to plan a trip in potentially informed before the possible precautions to be taken, as there are some like the tiger mosquitoes, which are carriers of serious diseases, some fatal.

Let’s start by saying that there are different ways to keep mosquitoes away from our homes, in my opinion, the best is to contact a firm specializing in pest control and instruct them to deal with, those that deal with the mice often go against the pest insects.

Otherwise, it can provide autonomously. The classic remedy consists in mounting on the frames of the windows of mosquito net that is very narrow-mesh grids that prevent insects (not only to mosquitoes) to penetrate in apartment, this kind of choice is expensive and can often cause problems with the neighborhood.

If for example: we are outdoors in a garden or in a public park, the best thing is to slather on your skin a repellent that you can easily find the pharmacy, the most common are those based natural geraniums which is also the most indicated for children or for people with sensitive skin, another solution is to resort to chemicals produced by pharmaceutical companies, in this case it is necessary to seek advice from your pharmacist.

If you have a balcony can be a good idea to have some seedlings in pots of geranium that have the property of emitting a very intense smell unwelcome by mosquitoes that forms a sort of invisible barrier between your home and external environment, also it seems that the geranium is also effective to keep away other types of insects.

You can also purchase the particular speakers of chemicals that work by connecting them to the electricity grid. These devices are meant to spread in the ambient gas repellent, by contrast.

It seems that these substances can be harmful even for the man, especially when in the environment, it reaches a saturation level very high, around there is also the classic spray to kill the insects, those for the flies are also effective for mosquitoes.

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