Home Healthy How to fortify the body’s immune defenses

How to fortify the body’s immune defenses


Often, careless, you get used to the summer season so much that when it comes to an end you do not care to take the right precautions. In this article, we will understand how you can prevent colds, cough and sore throat typical of the cold season, strengthening the immune system of our body.

  • First, it is important to understand what the immune system. Symbolically, the immune system is a sort of personal bodyguard: It protects us and takes care of us from the attacks of viruses, fungi and bacteria, eliminating toxic substances and waste that our body constantly produces. The most important cells of this system are the famous ” White Blood Cells ,” scientifically known as ” Leukocytes .
  • The use of some particular plants can be beneficial to regulate the metabolism and the immune system, to prevent or treat numerous disorders of the organism. Among the plants that have the immuno stimulant deserve a special place the Cat’s Claw, Echinacea and Eleuthera.

The infusion from the leaves of Uncaria and the decoction from the bark showed an adjuvant in viral infections, including common colds and flu. In addition, numerous studies have shown that this plant has been healing properties against rheumatic pain’s thanks to its strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Echinacea is a plant well known since ancient times. The American Indians were aware of its great healing properties and were used to treat bites of poisonous animals is to deal with all pathological situations which arose from the arrival during the winter season.

The phytocomplexes of this plant have been shown to have immunostimulate activity and bactericidal, without omitting the important anti-inflammatory effect. Used externally has a healing and normalizing: the acne-prone skin definitely will derive benefit.

And well known that the tensions of life to which we ought to face everyday produce stress, and that this is an uncomfortable enemy for the balance of our immune system.

In this case comes to the rescue Siberian Ginseng: recent studies have attributed to this plant significant positive effects on the psycho-physical stress and stimulation of antibody responses by leukocytes. In hypertensive subjects, its use should be limited, while it is recommended to anyone who has low levels of blood pressure.

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