Home Healthy How to fight constipation with natural remedies

How to fight constipation with natural remedies


Combat constipation is a problem of many that originated it from wrong. This is an easy guide to combat it and to maintain a certain lifestyle.

To combat constipation, upset that makes us that causes painful and swollen hemorrhoids, you have to start from the power. This is also suitable guidance to pregnant women who cannot take medicines unless instructed by your gynecologist.

Start your day with 30 grams of whole grains, fruits and perhaps enriched with 125 ml of semi-skimmed milk is the ” march ” Welcome to combat constipation. Also the jam is laxative and can be spread on slices wholemeal bread or whole-wheat bread. We need to eliminate refined grains and take plenty of fiber from whole grains offer.

Take plenty of fruits and vegetables is another step to eliminate constipation. If you want to hire a certain lifestyle that will help in the fight against constipation, you must create imaginative menus based on fruit, vegetables and whole grains to avoid falling into monotony and give, then a healthy lifestyle.

Often constipation is also due to stress, rhythm of life unsustainable, and it becomes difficult to relax. Even the little movement promotes this disorder. A walk outdoor, a bike ride or jog favored the evacuation.

One trick culinary (for the brave) against constipation is boil a portion of carrots and onions and take it with a little olive oil pregnant women can adopt this method, but cannot take instead the aloe juice, which also if known about the fight against constipation.

It is harmful to the fetus because aloe contains the allantoin harmful to the fetus fruit is another ally against constipation should be avoided fruit from the effects of astringents such as apple, banana, pineapple-ahead instead pairs, figs, persimmons, plums, plums, etc…

Another good way to combat constipation is to take infusions (pregnant women should seek advice from your doctor if you take them or not). Chamomile is relaxing and is an infusion suitable for young and old. Mallow is an excellent brew against constipation, but if you turn the herb of trust you, more advice on herbs allied against the disorder of constipation.

Finally, we must abandon the junk foods, called by the media ” junk food. ” In fact, an unhealthy diet, high fat, fried, too much protein and low in fiber and vegetables promotes constipation and consequently, the painful hemorrhoids.

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