Home Healthy How to Eliminate Ingrown hairs

How to Eliminate Ingrown hairs


Ingrown hairs are formed more difficult to remove especially when using hair removal methods that uproot the hair at the root. Very often create the bubbles on the skin, especially in the more fat the body, but with some forethought you can delete.

First of all ingrown hairs softer you can safely delete in the shower, wear a mitt (or sponge) and pass, making circular massage on the area where the problem is, you do this movement without pressing on the skin to prevent the formation of excoriations. Some hairs are already eliminated but for the more difficult ones passed to the second point.

Now soften the area where there are other ingrown hairs, helping with a sponge soaked in warm water, massage. Now take the needle (the most up possible) and burned the tip with a lighter to disinfect it. Now press with two fingers the bubble where there is hair, and locate it. Once identified addressed the needle into the skin where you see the black fur.

At this point, pull out the needle, when the hair is half to pull it out with two fingers and weed out completely as ingrown hairs are not attached to the root. Now massage the area again with a sponge soaked in hot water, so that the skin does not suffer trauma. Repeat this action for each hair, and always disinfect the needle both before and after the operation.

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