Home Healthy How to do when Nosebleeds

How to do when Nosebleeds


The loss of blood from the nose, also called rinorragia or epitaxy, is a very common disorder that affects men and women of all ages. Generally, the loss of blood from the nose is related to minor injury or inflammation and is not a cause for concern. The rupture of small blood vessels that generates the loss of blood from the nose is often caused by blows, his nose, forceful blow to the nose, colds, sinusitis, etc…

Only rarely does the epitaxy is the sign of a more serious illness. Whatever the cause, the epitaxy is quite annoying, and it is important to lock it as soon as possible. To curb the loss of blood from the nose is good to follow the small and simple steps. Let’s see what they are.

Thing to Do in the presence of episodes of epitaxy is important to tilt the head forward and not backward, as erroneously believed. Bend your head forward prevents the blood is ingested causing nausea and vomiting. Press gently with your fingers the nostril from which the blood comes out for a moment, in order to stop the bleeding.

If the blood continues to come out, it may be useful to make a small pressure also on the wings of the nose and hold it for about ten minutes. It also advisable to apply ice or wet handkerchiefs on top of the nose. If the bleeding persists, you should consult a physician, who will evaluate the need for surgical intervention.

Things to avoid: in the presence of blood from the nose, it is advisable not to introduce into the nose pads or the like, to try to stop the epitaxy. The buffers inserted may stick to blood clots and once removed could generate a new hemorrhage.

It also important not to take medicines such as aspirin, which may affect blood clotting and promote further bleeding from the nose. In following episodes of epitaxy, you should avoid overexertion.

If you suffer from frequent epitaxy is important to follow some small tricks to prevent the occurrence of episodes functional, for example, keep in humidified environment where you live, to prevent the nasal mucous membranes from drying out too much or sleep with your head a little raised. If the nasal mucosae are too dry, it can be useful to resort to white Vaseline to be applied inside the nose.

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