Home Fitness How to Detox after the Holiday?

How to Detox after the Holiday?


Who will not let go of food and drinks in the holiday season? Dishes high in fats, sweets of various kinds, alcoholic beverages you will surely did take a couple of pounds more. It is a tragedy because without many sacrifices and small gestures can go back to our weight.

Let’s get the first point: you do not need to deflate drastic diets and detox. You just have to take some things to the table. For example, you must avoid certain foods for a few days as red meat and sausage business because that would make even more your liver already put to the test in the past days.

Of course, to avoid the dishes are high in fat such as fried food, sweets and elaborate meals. Enrich your lunches instead with seasonal vegetables, pasta, fish (steamed) and legumes.

Say goodbye to the spirits and soft drinks. The first increase gastric juices thus increasing the volume of the abdomen while the latter are not good for our youth increase the production of free radicals. Yes a lot of water and natural blended fruit and vegetables on the contrary, give us a load of vitamins with antioxidant effect.

The movement is always very important. If you are not enrolled in the gym or in some sporting activity advice and do more exercise than usual.

For example: waiver for small mind moves use of a car or use the stairs instead of the elevator. Take advantage of the opening of the new year to do some house in order: for example, you do cleanings will consume a lot of calories.

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