Home Healthy How to cure with natural methods swelling of the legs

How to cure with natural methods swelling of the legs


There are diseases and disorders, affecting the proper organs of one sex rather than another, are characteristic of men or of women. At the last, unfortunately, most belong to the swelling of the legs. In this guide, I will explain the main causes that cause them and how to treat them using natural methods.

The swelling of the legs can be caused by edema, ie swelling of the subcutaneous tissue. In this case, the skin is taut and shiny, and the main cause is water retention. Typical is also the swelling caused by premenstrual tension. In addition to various disorders caused by internal dysfunctions, there are also lifestyles that favor them.

For example: there are professions that favor the stasis in the lower limbs: in practice all those who force them to stay long in feet making little movement, such as contract work or service at the desk and hairdresser. It even works that force to stay for long-time sessions contribute to swell, due to the compression of the edge of the chair on the leg, which impedes venous outflow.

There are also bad habits, such as socks or jeans too tight to the leg, which prevent good blood circulation. To counteract the swelling in limbs, you will need to have special precautions to be followed daily. Try not to take too long legs in positions called ” slopes “, such as dangling, and do not stand too upright or stand still. Abolish then all clothing that promoted venous stasis.

Do not export then the temperature is too hot, both in winter and in summer if the swelling of the legs depends on the pre-menstrual tension, three days before your period, make a herbal tea made from the seeds of flax and fennel, which helps to drain fluids and promote their elimination order to facilitate the discharge venous.

Finally, whenever you can, you should lie down on the bed, a chair or a chair, and put his feet on a surface placed higher than the rest Body. Especially in the evening, after a day of work, stay for half an hour in this position, which will help to reduce the discomfort of swelling in the legs, of course, tries to drain fluids by drinking as much as possible, at least two liters of water non-natural sparkling day and eliminates smoke and alcohol.

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