Home Healthy How to Cure Seasickness

How to Cure Seasickness


Everyone, sooner or later, at least once in their lives, suffer from motion sickness, or discomfort that occurs when traveling by car, by plane or by sea. This discomfort is composed of a set of events such as nausea, pallor, sweating, vomiting, dizziness, excessive salivation and may also be influenced by psychological factors, so that those who suffer, sometimes end up feeling bad even at the thought of the journey to be taken.

The disorders tend to cease as soon as you complete the stimulus that caused them (when the journey ends), or when the body adapts to the new situation. By car, it is easier if we feel bad we can stop … but if we are on the ship? How can we cure seasickness? It is often said that to defeat the enemy we know, never more truthful statement. So what is actually the seasickness and how to defeat?

Our vestibular sense of balance is regulated by the apparatus, which is used to adjust simple movements like walking or running. So unusual movements can cause problems. Rhythmic oscillatory maneuvers and speed variations are losing the perception of the vertical: find it means defeating the enemy. Let’s see how to do the following :

Move to the point firmer boat that lies between the access ladder and the center, the oscillations are greater if you are higher up and away from the center of gravity. Wrap up warm because the cold can accentuate the discomfort. Relax by taking deep breaths and try to fall asleep. If you cannot, you sit with your head slightly tilted back and look at an object free to swing next to you, in order to regain vertical.

Do not take drinks (alcoholic, sweet, carbonated, exciting), avoid hard digesting foods, sweet or fatty and salty ones prefer eating little and often. Furthermore, avoid candy and chewing gum. Although the trip was very long and hunger looming, you have the perseverance to observe these simple little rules, it is worth it.

If the agitation will not let you remember these tips you can always resort to drugs, bearing in mind that must be taken at least half an hour before the start of the journey Remember, though, that cause drowsiness and stupor. If you do not want to stumble in their typical side effects, there is an anti-nausea natural remedy that can be drunk as a tea, or taken in capsules and ginger Any remedy you choose, the important thing is knowing that you can travel without any fear Good crossing.

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