Home Healthy How to cure low blood pressure

How to cure low blood pressure


You always feel tired, weak or overly fatigued? The worst is when you get up in the morning? Do you have a sense of vertigo when you get up after you’ve turned down? If so, it is very likely that you suffer from low blood pressure. Here are some natural remedies that can help you live a better day.

First of all make sure you have really low blood pressure measuring values ​​with the blood pressure monitor (you can do it comfortably at home). If the minimum is 50 and the highest 90, then your pressure is low.

Unfortunately there are remedies that can completely and permanently solve this problem, but if you keep several precautions certainly live better. Do not resort to medicines, which compared to natural remedies are becoming discouraged when it comes to a problem that can also solve alone.

Try to adjust your eating habits. If you’re not a big drinker tried to drink a lot during the day. The water helps to slightly raise the level of pressure and keep it stable. Enter in your diet plenty of fruits and vegetables. In the morning a rich breakfast and do take a bit of sweetened coffee or a teaspoon of honey (even helps).

Make a lot of physical activity, avoiding going out during the hottest hours or overexertion Take also the habit of doing every now and then a cold shower, which facilitates the problem of vasoconstriction. Prepare infusions of rosemary with a few mint leaves Rosemary is a natural tonic vascular It can not hurt than good.

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