Home Healthy How to Cure Dental Hygiene

How to Cure Dental Hygiene


Health of your teeth and mouth and to have a perfect smile. Let’s see what methods to use daily to prevent cavities and infections and polish the enamel without corrode.

Dental care is very important, not only for aesthetic reasons, but to prevent any interference that can occur with age, and when we practice poor oral hygiene. Brush your teeth after every meal is essential, even if we are out of the house, and it is also imperative to teach children how to use the brush, gradually accustoming them to regular cleaning and deep.

Let’s as well remember to make monitoring visits to the dentist at least once a year, in time to treat caries and diagnose problems. Defects in chewing may be reflected generally health for the body so it is good to treat them in time, especially in younger people.

We use a suitable toothbrush to the sensitivity of our gums, neither too hard nor too soft, replacing it when necessary, ie approximately every three months. The movement of the bristles must go from the gum towards the tip against the teeth, in order not to damage the collars of the gums with the rubbing.

We brush with regular movements and perpendicular in the outer part of the teeth, both in the upper than in the lower, and then proceed in the inner part coming up in the most difficult points. Finally, we clean the surfaces of your teeth, which accumulates more easily the food, with straight and circular movements.

Finally, remember to clean your tongue rubbing it with the bristles to remove bacteria and debris. Rinse mouth several times during the proceedings, reapplying the toothpaste onto the brush when necessary. We use the floss to eliminate the deposits of food and plaque between teeth and the other, let’s keep with two hands and push it from the gum upwards. The mouthwash is used at the end and not more than twice a day, to disinfect the mouth.

Some natural ingredients can be used to whiten teeth, and if used in a systematic and regular, in a few weeks we will have the first results. The sage has been used since ancient times for its whitening power, simply rub it on the enamel for the ‘ desired effect, also the soft surface of the leaves penetrates like a sponge.

Orange peels and lemon help remove stains, but they are acidic and not recommended for frequent use, especially on sensitive teeth. Finally, baking soda, alone or with the toothpaste helps to remove stains and brighten the natural whiteness of the enamel.

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