Home Healthy How to Cure Bruises

How to Cure Bruises


A fall, a wrong move, a distraction and they happen to get a more or less severe trauma: a hit that, with the compression of the underlying one hit, can damage both blood vessels, as well as those lymphatics. That implies we know: intense pain, with swelling and dark spots: they are the bruises and hematomas.

To provoke is both the blood that emerges, both the passage of liquids from the vessels to nearby tissues. In a short time, the area becomes sore and hardens. Even when the sensation of pain is gone, muscle weakness and stiff joints make it less easy recovery of regular movements. But how do your best to treat a hematoma? Follow this guide and you will get useful tips.

Meanwhile, on the contused part, whether it is small or large, it is good to apply ice immediately. If there is not the appropriate boule, it does not matter: you can quickly put the ice in a plastic bag tied to the top and wrapped in a towel. If not available, not even the ice, you need to put on the painful area with a wet cloth in very cold water and wrung out.

Following this, what will surely be very effective, is the use of a cream or a gel with anti-inflammatory power to be applied locally? It will thus be repairing the damage to the vessels, the lymphatic system is stimulated, and you will get the drainage of fluids already accumulated. You will then protect the area with a bandage.

To cure the damage of the hematoma, then there are also some good natural products: the pharmacy is possible to buy special creams containing arnica extract, which soothes the pain and brings some relief. They are also excellent horse chestnut, particularly those suitable facilitate the absorption of liquids.

It also very suitable to apply preparations of bromelain: an enzyme that is extracted from pineapple, and it is useful to try to eliminate subcutaneous edema.

Among the drugs (of course prescribed by a doctor), able to offer a great help, are diuretics, which can greatly reduce the amount of fluids that circulated through the body.

But a medicinal diuretic eliminates fluids and does not cancel the cause of the swelling and if in spite of the various treatments, both the swelling that pain tends to increase, it is possible that infection is present, so you should contact your doctor.

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