Home Healthy How to Control Cholesterol

How to Control Cholesterol


The diseases of the heart and blood circulation are increasingly common, especially in more advanced countries. We define “diseases of affluence”. The disorders are complex and causes divese, but the diet is always essential. In this guide I’ll give you some advice to control cholesterol. Watch out for fat!

One of the main causes of heart disease is cholesterol content in foods of animal origin, excluding fish. It is a fat that is deposited on the walls of the arteries up to slow down the circulation of blood.

If nothing is done cholesterol can get to completely block the arteries, with the Consequences you already know: stroke, blood clots, heart attack.

You can prevent the damage caused by cholesterol following the righteous behavior at the table. Do you prefer vegetable fats (olive oil, or seeds) in those animals (butter, lard that you have to strictly limit). Remember that, according to the National Institute of Nutrition, only 30% of what we eat every day must be made up of fats.

The fats you find them everywhere: in milk, eggs, cheese, meat, in meats, offal, etc. Try to increase the proportion of fruits, vegetables, bread, pasta (preferably whole grains) and legumes.

Replace whole milk and yogurt with those skinny-fat and high-fat cheese (Emmental, taleggio, gorgonzola, cheese) with those a little leaner (cow’s milk cheese, etc.) Choose cooking methods that require little fat (steam, boil , grid) Spice it the food with spices, herbs, lemon juice, without consuming all the gravy and fat.

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