Home Healthy How to consume calories with daily activities

How to consume calories with daily activities


It does not appear, but some of our everyday habits can increase our metabolism, which means that they can make us burn more calories. As with all things, it takes good will, but I assure you that these are small efforts. So the hunt laziness that there is a bit in all of us and see how to lose weight easily.

Say goodbye to the elevator. Dresses on the 1st floor, but still you insist to get it? Avoid it. In addition to burning calories (Kcal 5 each floor), with the passage of time also notice a firming of the buttocks and the quadriceps.

Maybe the first time will be a burden having to give up the elevator, but with each passing day you will realize that it is only a matter of habit and automatically will you turn toward the stairs.

Work in office, attached to the computer and sitting at your desk? Thanks to the wheels of the chair you move from one file to another? The secret, however, is always stand up for anything, thus avoiding asking for favors to your colleagues who are closest to the file of interest.

To avoid is also communicate via e-mail or over the phone with people who are only in the next office. Find five minutes of time and valleys to find: the only stand makes you consume twice as much as you could while sitting.

We live in an era in which we are dependent on the car so if you just can not help it, try to park far from the place of your interest: you’ll have to take a few steps on foot. If your means of transport is by bus, get off at one or two stops before your destination This will allow you to walk at least 10 minutes.

Do the housework is not pure fun, but if you think the line might change your mind. Instead of odinare a pizza, devoted at least half an hour in the kitchen: you can consume up to 25 Kcal.

The entire day to cleaning your home: about 130 kcal consumerai if dusting for 1 hour, as well as whether drafts. Sweep the floor has a calorie burning time of 170 Kcal, while washing dishes than 120 Kcal.

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