Home Healthy How to Care for a Sick or Convalescent

How to Care for a Sick or Convalescent


Sometimes it may happen to have at home a sick person, perhaps not overly so struck by simple flu, or during convalescence. Many their work place as the care of sick or convalescing. With this guide you will learn how to cope with these situations.

Very important is initially set as the room of the sick, you will need to make it fun and welcoming atmosphere, as the patient is forced to stay there night and day, and boredom culling can take over more easily if the environment is dull and depressing.

Sometimes all it takes for you to change the layout of some furniture to give the room a different look. Also, you should never leave, the sick, lonely too long, loneliness is one of the most depressing sides for the patient, especially if it is forced to remain in bed. So it’s good to have you do frequent visits.

Now, always try to keep a jug water, a glass and a bell to ring in the case emergency on his bedside table. Also, put at the disposal of the patient and then to hand a radio, newspapers, magazines, books and even the television, but it would be better served with a remote control.

Also, if a patient who could not receive visits from friends and family, can now do so, you must make sure that not too many people come into his room at a time and that the visits do not follow each other continuously addition, visitors will not have to stay long, because even lighter and have a conversation without commitment, for a patient, it is often very tiring.

Throughout the period of illness or convalescence, the nutrition is very important to hasten the healing. From the beginning, sometimes, the patient must follow special diets, but when the doctor authorizes him to eat everything, it is necessary that you do so that his power is high in protein (meat, fish, eggs and milk) and vitamins (fresh fruit and vegetables).

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