Home Healthy How to Breathe Correctly

How to Breathe Correctly


Proper breathing is the basis of the health for the body and our physical well-being. Breathe properly positively influences all processes of our body and helps to relieve stress and anxiety. Here are some practical exercises to be carried out in a few minutes.

Breathing is the basis of the functioning of the mechanisms that regulate our body: in this way, we can also affect heart rate, and indirectly on all other cellular processes under way in the body and for the oxygenation of the cells. Acting on breathing, so we can slow down or speed up all internal functions and create a state of greater well-being and relaxation.

The control of breathing is thus ideal for the management of stress, anxiety and nervous tension, to which, acting with the regular exercises. You can restore a situation of calm and tranquility physical and mental health. Breathing is also the basis of ancient practices such as meditation and yoga.

To obtain a proper breathing, first try to fill at the bottom of the lungs with air to provide a greater amount of oxygen to our cells. Especially if we have the chance to be in the nature or in an area where the air is very clean, rechargeable call energy filling us with oxygen.

Breathe deeply, completely filling the chest to move the diaphragm (ie, when we see that even the belly rises and not only the stomach). We hold your breath a few seconds, until we feel that we are striving, and exhale slowly emptying all the air that we are able to expel, even though the mouth.

Breathe always trying to use the diaphragm, rather than the thorax, it is preferable, because we inhale more oxygen and improve the state of health for the body.

To train ourselves to breathe better, we should try to practice every day, consistently, techniques that allow us to lengthen the breath and get the benefits for our body try to put us in a relaxed position, lying supine, or sitting with legs crossed to the body erect.

With calm, breathe, moving the diaphragm and feeling the lungs, counting ” one ” as a unit so holds your breath, count of four, and exhales making two continue to repeat this sequence until we have full control over the process of inhalation and exhalation, conditioning them to obtain a beneficial effect. With the practice and constancy will always be easier to implement and more effective.

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