Home Healthy How to approach the Macrobiotic Cooking

How to approach the Macrobiotic Cooking


Macrobiotics is not just a type of cuisine, but it is a real philosophy of life. It is based on the balance of opposing forces: yin and yang. The term derives from the etymology Greek macrobiotic where macros are going to great and bios stands for life. For the disciples of this philosophy, the diseases are a result of the conduct of the individual who violates the order of the universe.

To approach this path of discipline, it is essential that the role of modifying the physical body goes, to interact with the mind and spirit.

Macrobiotics is not an exact science, but is a continuous search and has no fixed rules. This philosophy, even in the kitchen will give you some general guidelines. That everyone will have to adapt to His experience and his life circumstance. It important to understand that in macrobiotic cooking, the food is a tool, and we have to learn to use it in the best way to take advantage of it.

The first foods that you must learn to know and will use all whole foods. For macrobiotic, all that is refined and worked in the long run affect our digestive system. What we eat is what nature has to offer as well as offers it; foods should come from organic farming that uses only organic fertilizers. Condiments are allowed, but they must be as natural as possible, such as sea salt and extra-virgin olive oil obtained from the first cold pressing of the olives.

The foods, according to macrobiotic cooking, foods are divided into yin and yang foods: the former is rich in potassium and have sweet or spicy foods contain more sodium yang, and their taste is more salty. The macrobiotic cooking as opposed to a vegetarian, does not exclude the occasional consumption of fish usually should not be frozen and should not be added to their preservatives or additives.

To cook the food, you prefer to steam or microwave. How sweetener is allowed sugar cane or maple syrup, coffee and tea you prefer green tea and barley coffee fundamental to follow the macrobiotic diet is to learn to follow the seasonal cycle of the products of the earth what we will learn, as well as ingredients and recipes, is to respect the environment, you will have to give up the rampant consumerism, use organic products for body care and cleaning of the house are permitted the dinners out, in strict macrobiotic restaurants, which now abound in cities.

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