Home Healthy How to act in case of Heat Stroke

How to act in case of Heat Stroke


HEAT SHOCK AND SUNSTROKE. Heat stroke are an accumulation of heat by the body, scientifically ” hyperthermia “, which causes an alteration in the metabolism. Often this is a reduction of the dispersion of heat, more rarely, of an excessive production of heat. About 80% of the energy consumed over the course of a sport, is released in the form of heat.

This means that, out of 1000 kcal, which are consumed during a run. 800 kcal must be dispersed by the body with the outside. Only in this way the temperature can be maintained normal. If the atmospheric temperature is high, the skin should cool through the evaporation of sweat.

This occurs without difficulty, if the air humidity is low, but the absence of air retards the removal of body moisture, and it is not possible of a regularization of the temperature. A excessive loss of fluids without a compensation of fluid intake, may cause a dangerous buildup of heat.

SUNSTROKE : Different is the sunlight (sunburn) which is determined due to the direct influence from the sun, especially on the brain. Are most threatened children and the elderly? So it is always good to bring along a head cover. A cause of the inflammation within the brain and the meninges, you can also get to a cerebral edema.

Heat stroke is manifested by a reduction in muscle energy, feelings of faintness, dizziness and confusion. Cramps may also occur. At first, the skin is red and dry, especially in the face, but then you can see signs of shock also on the skin. You can as well get to loss of consciousness and nausea or vomiting.

First, it is important to immediately stop the work undertaken and to act in an emergency situation. You should definitely only promote the lowering of the body temperature to the casualty should be transported in a cool, coriander, but with his head raised (or the shade closed), removing clothes and heavier cover, especially in sensitive areas such as the neck, chest or groin, but not icy cold clothes.

If the person is conscious, can safely drink water (preferably sports drinks containing salts) or soak in cool water. It always recommend a visit to the hospital or doctor to rule out serious future consequences.

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