Home Healthy How to accept your physical appearance without problems

How to accept your physical appearance without problems


Weight problems? Not really. Would you just lose the little bacon that makes you damn when you look in the mirror. What invariably remains as “memory” of the holiday season coming to an end. So what do you do? You jump in slimming diets as the misery of the world, with the result that in addition to losing the roundness that bothered you so much you find yourself a neckline a little more dry.

Urges the legs and buttocks with a physical activity that has two or three hours a week of exercise in the gym. Gymnastics is a remedy without a doubt the most effective diets. If exercising, in the presence of slight roundness can safely eat everything you want without giving up anything.

Eating is a pleasure indispensable. You conduct even a slight and gradual effort weightlifting ideal for toning your arms without building too much muscle, in other words long sets with light weights.

Furthermore any aerobic activity allows to dissolve a bit of flab, then possibly you can do specific exercises perrafforzare the upper part of the body and the rear part of the arm, an area usually not exactly toned. A useful tip for loshopping or to bring grocery bags, you ilpeso good balance between the two arms and move them away from the thighs.

Drink plenty of mineral water Avoid carbonated drinks that do not help to prevent water retention but rather the carbon dioxide contributes aa inflate the lower parts of the body, creating unpleasant blemishes, as well as being detrimental to the kidneys increasing, especially in susceptible individuals, training calculations and the generation of blocks digestive.

Avoid crash dieting and voloci, those ” do it yourself ” that do not lead to anything good. Maybe lose about for a short time, but sooner or later you are assailed by hunger and becomes something that you can not give up. Begins to eat just as quickly recovering all the lost pounds and also something more.

The diets “do it yourself” are dangerous because they might, in the long run, turn into forms slimming deleterious to the organism, especially if the weight problem depends on psychological problems.

If your hips a little baggy and sit a bit in the flesh does not take charge of the slight “roundness” in an obsessive way. Avoid drastic forms of weight loss also because these slight roundness are difficult to eliminate.

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