Home Healthy How not to Spoil the Voice

How not to Spoil the Voice


The voice is a very important means that we use daily at home or at work to communicate our emotions to others, to give orders and to show our feelings. Because of its great, importance is good to preserve it from every ill, being careful how you use it day after day, in order to avoid unpleasant sags and terrible sore throat! This guide will give you a set of guidelines to keep your voice healthy.

To begin with, the first thing you should do is to always use a tone of voice calm as possible. Especially if you are a teacher, or if you do a job for which the voice is the essential communication tool, avoid shouting and take breaks in between speech and the other.

Also keep always on-hand candy mint or aniseed, which have a cooling effect not only for the throat but also for the entire oral cavity. Drink plenty of fluids even in winter to prevent it can dry out your throat.

After that, when you wake up in the morning looking forward to warming up your voice with some exercise. For example, the first would be to pronounce the letter A while maintaining the mouth open. Start from the lowest note and always pronouncing the letter A continues to gradually raising the hue and thus arriving at the highest note that you can do.

Then he begins to say HELLO type of short words, always singing, but this time keep your mouth a little more open, as clearly as individual letters. You can find a series of vocal exercises.

Finally, I suggest you take tea with mint or eucalyptus even in summer, to disinfect the throat of any bacteria that may be dangerous for your voice herbal teas can be found ready-made for bags at any supermarket or can prepare yourself by putting a few mints leaves to a pint of warm water.

Always keep a scarf round his neck, especially when it’s windy and eat foods that are likely to promote the welfare of your vocal cords, eg, anchovies, licorice, onion, and fennel.

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