Home Healthy How I Stay In Shape After 50 Years

How I Stay In Shape After 50 Years


Most of the aged people ignore their health and their physical fitness because it is busy with many other things, including career or family. Staying in shape after 50 years is not as difficult as it seems. Just follow the tips in this guide.

It is necessary to follow a healthy and balanced diet, at this point in life. Remember that a poor diet is a major cause of obesity, hypertension, diabetes. Your daily diet should include fruits, nuts, vegetables, lean meats and chicken. You should reduce the consumption of fatty foods, such as dairy products, fried foods and sweets or avoid eating fast to get a good physical shape.

Exercise is essential if you want to keep your bones strong and healthy for a lifetime. The training exercises should be carried out only under the supervision of a trainer. The best exercises for this age are cardiovascular such as swimming, running, jogging, brisk walking, etc.. This is because they are excellent for improving breathing and functioning of the heart. Try to find a company when you exercise. It’s more fun!

Another way to stay in shape after 50 is to reduce or totally avoid smoking and alcohol consumption Even if you have been a chain smoker to completely quit can help a lot, even in old age. Smoking is also a cause of respiratory disease and all causes cancer Alcoholism also causes liver damage and alcohol consumption should be reduced to a small glass of wine 2-3 times a week.

The stressé the cause disorders such as insomnia, high blood pressure, heart disease, stomach pains, etc.. Remember that this is the time when you should relax and enjoy life more than before. You should stop being a workaholic and try to spend more time with your loved ones and friends. To get rid of stress have you follow your hobby, singing, cooking, shopping and traveling.

Finally, one of the best advice is to try to sleep as much as possible. It is not wise to stay up very late every night like you did when you were a twenty, as you may have to pay a tribute rather salty to your health. A good night’s sleep at this age takes 6-7 hours each night.

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