Home Healthy Chronic Headaches – Causes and Remedies

Chronic Headaches – Causes and Remedies


The headache is one of the most annoying illnesses because there are often continuous and uncontrollable. These can be divided into two categories: the tension headache and migraine. First, we need to understand the basis of the symptoms of which of the two are affected, after which determine the cause and then employ a cause that can mitigate or prevent it.

We start with a headache diffusion, as opposed to how you think, is more common than migraine. Adults and children are the groups most affected, as they are hit the neck and head because they are the muscles that are contracted more. The possible causes of this malaise can be: stress, a poor posture, eyestrain, the period before or after menstruation, excessive use of alcohol or smoke.

To find out if you suffer from headaches you have to accuse the following symptoms: pain to the head is at the opposite side with the neck, muscular tension on the upper neck. The pain is in range of an entire area.

Migraine is widespread in only 20% of the world population and is caused by a narrowing of the blood vessels carrying blood to the head through the neck. It an intense pain that pulsates, above all, on the temples and in the upper area of ​​the forehead.

During the pain cannot stand the noise and light. This condition can become chronic and affects mostly women. Causes of migraine may be different. It is usually transmitted by a relative, especially if the mother suffers, but also from alcohol abuse, insomnia, menstrual period since, by birth control pills, stress and prolonged smoking passive or active.

The most common symptoms are the instinct of temples and intolerance to noise and light, but can often be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances and loss of balance.

To prevent these headaches you should review your diet to avoid eating (or decrease the dose) foods that contain tyramine such as potatoes, sauerkraut and red wine, too few fruits and vegetables can cause headaches as avocados, figs, strawberries, dried fruit, plums, peas and beans.

Another food to avoid is because chocolate contains phenylethylamine, which produces beta headaches. Also avoid fish and shellfish, frozen, cured or smoked meats, cured meats, foods of fast food and cheeses.

To cure a headache the medicine is aspirin or paracetamol. But there are also some natural remedies such as acupuncture, recommended in the most painful or replace aspirin with salicylates, often in the form of syrup that can be found in herbal medicine, they do if caught in time disappear entirely headaches or mitigate those most bothersome symptoms like vomiting. Also useful for migraine is the tea to lime.

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