Home Healthy Behaving as if your feet stink

Behaving as if your feet stink


If your problem is that your feet stink, in this case, I strongly recommend you never see the guide which will give you the good and especially effective tips on how to behave in case your feet give off unpleasant odors. Try it!

Surely, in order to solve the problem, the first thing you need to do is to always care for the hygiene of the feet. In this case, you should wash your feet in the summer at least three times a day, with special detergents that you will find at the pharmacy. In Winter certainly just only once, unless problems and odors.

Of course, if you put these tips into action, the problem will be greatly reduced. But if the problem persists, I suggest you to head to the pharmacy and buy a spray that you will need to spray inside your shoes and you’ll have to leave for a few hours before shoes, even in this case the result is really good.

In addition, you should, especially in the summer to wear open shoes, or if they are closed will have holes to let your feet breathe, preventing bad odor to sweat and they do a good solution to try to solve the problem, is to go in herbal medicine where you will definitely find of natural products and very good.

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